Which autoclave do I need?



  1. Size and capacity: Choose an autoclave that is suitable for your needs. Consider the size and capacity of the unit and make sure it is appropriate for your facility.
  2. ​Sterilization methods: There are several sterilization methods used by autoclaves, such as vacuum sterilization, steam sterilization and cold air sterilization. Consider which process is best suited for your needs.
  3. Energy efficiency: make sure the autoclave has high energy efficiency to minimize electricity costs and reduce environmental impact.
  4. Ease of use: choose an autoclave that is easy to operate and maintain to improve efficiency and safety in use.
  5. Safety features: Make sure the autoclave has sufficient safety features to ensure patient and staff safety.
  6. Approvals and standards: Make sure the autoclave meets all required approvals and standards to ensure it is safe and reliable in use.
  7. Price: Consider your budget and choose an autoclave that is within your price range, but also meets the above criteria.



A Class B autoclave is a device used to sterilize instruments and equipment in dentistry or other medical settings. It is mainly used in dental offices and other medical facilities.
The operation of a class B autoclave is based on the principle of steam sterilization. The device generates steam, which heats the instruments and equipment to high temperatures, killing the adhering germs.
The autoclave usually consists of an inner container in which the instruments and equipment are placed. To perform sterilization, the unit is started and the inner container is filled with steam. The instruments and equipment are then heated to high temperatures to kill the germs. After sterilization is complete, the steam is removed, the contents are dried by vacuum process, and the instruments and other load can be removed. Typically, Class B autoclaves are also equipped with safety features to ensure that sterilization is performed safely and reliably.

Overall, Class B autoclaves provide a safe and reliable way to sterilize instruments of all types to prevent the transmission of pathogens and ensure patient and staff safety.



Autoclaves are divided into different classes depending on their sterilization process and their ability to kill germs.
  • Class B autoclaves use a steam sterilization process combined with a vacuum pump and are capable of killing germs, including spores, from instruments of very complex shapes. They are commonly used in medical facilities, such as dental offices.
  • Class S autoclaves usually use a special process. They are usually custom-built by manufacturers for specific sterilization processes and are capable of being used for special, non-standard applications.
  • Class N autoclaves use a sterilization process without a vacuum pump and are able to sterilize liquids or objects with simple geometries. They are commonly used in laboratories and other facilities.
Overall, the choice of class of autoclave depends on the requirements of the facility and the type of instruments and equipment that need to be sterilized. It is important to select the correct sterilization process and class of autoclave to ensure that all possible germs are thoroughly killed and patient and staff safety is maintained.


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